You ask, Yolanda answers.

Does YOLANDA contain gluten?
Yes. Among its ingredients it contains wheat flour.
Does YOLANDA contain egg?
No. YOLANDA does not contain egg in its ingredients, nor exists the possibility of contamination in its production (traces).

Does YOLANDA contain nuts?
No. YOLANDA does not contain nuts in its ingredients, nor exists the possibility of contamination in its production (traces).
Does YOLANDA contain cow’s milk?
No. YOLANDA does not contain cow’s milk in its ingredients, nor exists the possibility of contamination in its production (traces).

What formats is YOLANDA available in?
YOLANDA is produced in 500 grs. and 250 grs. format.
What can you cook with YOLANDA?
With YOLANDA you can cook any kind of dishes (meat, fish, vegetables, confectionery) without the need to use eggs, just YOLANDA.

What expiring date does YOLANDA have?
More than one year. Always check the expiring date of your YOLANDA product.